Guide to personal liability insurance in Switzerland


What is personal liability insurance in Switzerland?

Swiss personal liability insurance covers the financial repercussions of a physical injury a person inflicts on a third party or of damage the policyholder causes to a third party’s belongings or property.

What amount should I be covered for?

Minimum : CHF 3 million
Maximum : CHF 10 million
Other : CHF 5 million

What personal liability deductible or “excess” should I choose?

Minimum: 0.-
Maximum: 1000.-
Other: 200.- / 500.

Minimum: 0.-
Maximum: 1000.-
Other: 200.- / 500.-

What value or amount is reimbursed in case of a personal liability claim?

A personal liability claim is reimbursed at actual value, not replacement value.

Extended coverage that should always be included in personal liability insurance in Switzerland:

Gross negligence.
Always include gross negligence (faute grave in French) in your Swiss personal liability insurance  plan to avoid the insurance company penalizing you when you make a claim.

Extended coverage that can be added to personal liability insurance in Switzerland:

Recommended if you occasionally drive other peoples’ cars:
Insurance premium increases suffered by the car owner after a claim and damage caused to the car if the car owner does not have casco collision protection when driving a borrowed car on an occasional basis.

Recommended if you often drive rental cars or other peoples’ cars:
Damage caused when driving a rental car, covers the rental car deductible up to CHF 2500.- Damage caused when driving a rental car, covers the rental car deductible up to CHF 2500.-Insurance premium increases suffered by the car owner after a claim and damage caused to the car if the car owner does not have casco collision protection when driving a borrowed car on a regular basis.

Recommended if you ride horses that do not belong to you:
Damage caused when riding a borrowed horse

Recommended if you use boats that do not belong to you:
Damage caused when sailing/driving a borrowed boat

Obligatory if you hunt:
Damaged caused while hunting

Examples of personal liability insurance claims in Switzerland

A breaks B’s mobile phone.
B’s phone is paid for by A’s personal liability insurance at actual value, less the deductible.

A injures B who cannot work for 6 months.
B’s loss of salary and medical expenses are paid for by A’s Swiss personal liability insurance.

A’s child or pet injures B or breaks something belonging to B.
B’s damage is paid for by A’s personal liability insurance LESS the deductible (and depreciation depending on the case).



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