Business model

Our users are never charged for an introduction to an expert, the first contact is totally free with no obligation whatsoever to enter into a contractual relationship with an expert. It is only once the user signs a contract with the expert that they become bound by the agreed terms and conditions between themselves and the chosen party.
The only exception is related to our extremely detailed insurance section. To simplify the vital process of buying insurance the content in this section has been kindly provided by our insurance expert and enables our users to:
.Understand, in English, how insurance works in Switzerland. Select the insurance products they require. Choose the level of protection required (basic – good – excellent). Compare prices and level of protection. Receive a corresponding offer or consult the expert.

Insurance advice is free of charge in three out of four cases:
Accept the solution the expert provides – no charge
Meet the insurance expert for one hour and accept the solution provided – no charge
Consult comparative offers online (based on quality of protection) – no charge
Consult the insurance expert for one hour without using his or her solution or just to understand the Swiss system – CHF 300.


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